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Almost opening time...

Updated: Mar 31, 2023

We are at the home stretch to our grand opening time and it has been a process! Its a very "hurry up and wait" type of experience in a lot of ways because everything has to sync together and you're always going to be as far as the last piece in line. So we persist. We keep working and crafting things together to bring you a great place for you to take care of yourself. We will be selling CBD products as well. These products are good for insomnia, anxiety, pain, and so many other things! We will have Cbd lotions, Cbd infused essential oils, CBD edibles, and other items as well. If there's anything you have questions on, please don't hesitate to shoot us an email. We'd love to hear your thoughts. In the meantime, we are looking at a June opening, hopefully the second week in June and we cannot wait to see you there!



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